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I'm a stay at home mommy and design blog junkie, trying to turn our new, older house, into a home. And documenting it along the way. And showing other fun stuff as well.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

House Hold Projects

Along with getting ride of paint, I'm trying to get the house a little more organized and little projects accomplished while the weather it nice.  And to feel like I'm getting somewhere.

 Those silly Young House Love people are getting shit done like nobodies business, and they have only been in that house for 2 months. 

So here are 2 little things I've been meaning to do.

The window to our garage had some seriously dirty mini-blinds.  It was a diy from some preivious owners where they took some left over blinds and reporposed them in the garage.  There were no contols and I couldn't get them to close.  Making them completely useless, not to mentions, hard to clean.  Here's before...
So I took them down and gave the whole window and surrounding wall a good scrubbing

And then used some good old contact paper. 

 I'm not sure if contact paper will last a super long time.  But for $5 and 20 minutes, it's worth it.

I can't believe how much morning light we get in there now, it's great.

By the way, garage organization is up near the top of the list, but I need some help from the husband and he's been working like mad lately.

Next up is the bathroom.  We have a teeny tiny one with not much counter space and a pretty funcky vanity.  It's really hard to see into the cabnet because it is set back a few inches from the counter.  So I wanted to put in some pull out drawrs to make it easier to get to things.

At first I bought a simple human pull out shelf, but it was too deep.  I couldn't have anything for the 16".  So off I went to the container store to see if they had anyother brand that would fit.

Thankfully they did.  Elfa drawrs come in a few debths and 16" was perfect.

I got two of these, a 9"wide for the top shelf, there is plumging in the way
and a 16"wide for the bottom.

And of course they were out of the 16"wide bastket, so I got the base and will have to go back in a couple of days. 
Here's the first one completed, and apparently I need to wipe off the pipes, it looks extra disgusting.

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